Smoking at Belfast International Airport (BFS)

Airport Rating


Before Security Smoking

Smoking is only permitted in designated areas outside the terminals.

After Security Smoking

2025, January update from Emma C.: Smoking area is now closed and will not reopen.

2025, Official info: Smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes) is not permitted in the terminal building and especially outdoors while approaching or leaving an aircraft. However designated smoking areas are available outside the main terminal building before you enter, and when you exit Belfast International Airport. Please be aware there are no smoking areas available after you go through security. All airport users are respectfully requested to use only the designated areas, as it is a legal offence to smoke in any public area inside or outside the terminal.  

There is an area airside for smoking, it is situated after security beside the Lagan Bar. 

This is a dedicated external smoking facility and there is a charge of £1 to access the facility.  ....

Top Tip: Knock on door, if there's another smoker there he will open it from the inside, saving you a pound.

Further Information

Official Website